Yeah, that's right - totally GIMPED that thing five minutes ago, but it doesn't matter - My musical ability far exceeds my artistic talents. I am the biggest Sonic Fan on my block (and probably all of the GameStops I frequent) and I thought that I had to pay tribute to some of my favorite video game music ever. From Masato Nakamura to Howard Drossin, I plan on rearranging the whole genesis span of Sonic's Prime. Not every song will be remixed, but I plan on touching on all of Sonic'c classic gems in this album.
And it gets even better! I have the first track 90% done and I am gonna release it as a teaser for everyone right here. Whenever I think of Sonic, I think Green Hill, and hopefully you will all enjoy my rendition of the timeless song.
Go Sonic
Run as fast as you can
Don't ever look back again
Because behind you lies
The tears and cries
Of those that still hope
For another day
when South Island is free
The flickies will fly and play
And the emeralds can pass on their creed
Go Sonic
Make us free
Go go go go go go Sonic
I hear you all
Hold this to be True:
I will save you all
Or Else I will take off my shoes
Robotnik's evil will be destroyed
If it is the last thing I do
Signed – Your legendary blue hedgehog
In the coming weeks I'll show my progress on this project, including videos and ugly pictures no one cares about. As always, if you like what you are getting here for free (don't ever be coerced into paying for anything on this website), consider donating to this Free-Music project so I can continue doing what I love so much.
And for those who didn't see it the first time:
Sonic Soundscape Demo - Green Hill Hope
Until later, peace.
Yo dude. The teaser sounds good. Can't wait to hear the finished track. Keep it up!